Blob Fish Ugliest Animal in the World

blobfish out of water with its body collapse

The blobfish is a deep-ocean fish best known for its reputation as the “world’s ugliest animal”. It has smooth, pink skin, a bulbous head, black eyes, a pronounced snout, and a wide mouth with tiny villiform teeth resembling brush bristles. The blobfish's most significant characteristic is its lighter-than-water body, composed of a soft jelly-like body, compressible cartilage, and minimal muscle mass specially adapted to endure immense pressure in the deep ocean depths between 600 and 1,200 meters where it lives. The extremely high water pressure at these depths keeps its soft, jelly-like body in shape.

However, when a blobfish is brought to the surface and taken out of the water, its body immediately loses its shape and collapses into an unattractive gooey blob. (See our excellent explanation of this below).

The blobfish can grow to 30cm (1ft), weigh around 2kg (2.2lb), and live for over 100 years. Its scientific name is Psychrolutes marcidus, and it is in the Psychrolutidae family.

Blobfish Underwater Blob fish in Water

blobfish swimming under water

Photo: Blobfish swimming underwater

Comparative depths between submarine and blobfish

Photo: Depth at which blobfish live

The blobfish underwater looks like a typical bottom-dwelling fish. This is because the high water pressure around its body in its deep-sea habitat keeps its body in the correct shape. But out of water, where air pressure is a lot lower than water pressure, its body collapses and loses shape because of the loss of pressure around its body.

The depth at which the blobfish swims is more than 2.5 times deeper than the most powerful submarine can go. A submarine, if it were to go this deep, would be crumpled like a tin can by the water pressure, which is over 100 times greater than on land. Only specially designed undersea rovers can go down to these depths.

Why is the Blobfish a Blob?

Explaination of how blobfish slim works

Photo: How a Blobfish's body keeps its shape

Here is a real-life example of why the blobfish looks just fine underwater but turns into a blob when taken out of water.

We all know of the gooey stuff kids play with called "Slime". Now, when the slime is in its container, the sides of the container keep it in shape. In this case, the shape of the container puts pressure on the slime, forcing it into shape. However, when you remove the slime from its container, it no longer has something forcing it to have a shape. So it becomes blobby and has no particular shape. The same principle applies to the blobfish. It is designed to work under pressure. The water acts like a container.

•The Sad Story of Mr. Blobby - Winner of the Ugliest Animal Award

Blobfish Habitat Where Does the Blobfish Live?

Blobfish habitat and Ddistribution map

Photo: Blobfish Habitat Map

The blobfish lives in the oceans off the coast of Australia and New Zealand, at depths of 1,000 meters near the seafloor. No sunlight reaches this deep ocean. As a result, there are no plants or other vegetation of any sort. The water temperature is just above freezing (2 - 4 degrees Celsius). Except for a rare photograph taken by a deep-sea rover underwater vehicle, no human has observed blobfish in their natural habitat.

Three types of blobfish are found close to Australia. Their habitats are colour-coded in the map. The Smooth-head Blobfish ( Psychrolutes marcidus) is found off the coasts of southern Australia The Western Blobfish ( Psychrolutes occidentalis) lives off Western Australia. And "Mr Blobby" (Psychrolutes microporos) lives near Norfolk Island.

Blobfish Diet What Do Blobfish Eat

Snails and sea slugs part of blobfish diet

Photo: Snails and sea slugs part of blobfish diet

The blobfish eats crustaceans, larvae, sea slugs, sea snails, sea urchins and dead biomass drifting down from the ocean above. It is a lie-in-wait predator that spends most of its time just floating around, waiting for food to come its way. It then quickly sucks the food into its enormous mouth.

There is very little food in the depths at which the blobfish lives. Scientists believe its body structure, with very few muscles, very low metabolic rate, and slow movement, helps it conserve energy and survive on a very limited diet.

Blobfish Reproduction & Life Cycle Blobfish Babies?

Blobfish guarding its eggs

Photo: Blobfish guarding its eggs

The female blobfish lays tens of thousands of tiny, pink eggs in a nest on the ocean floor. Then she and her partner hover over the eggs to protect them from predators.

Deep-water fish such as the blobfish tend to live to a ripe old age because of their slow growth rates and the lack of natural predators.

A blobfish may live up to 130 years.

Blobfish Predators & Threats What Kills Blobfish?

deap-sea trawling captures blobfish

Photo: deep-sea trawling captures blobfish

The main predators endangering the survival of the blobfish are humans. Deep-sea trawlers cast nets down to the depths of the ocean. Blobfish are caught up in these fishing nets and hauled to the surface, where they are tossed back into the sea as they have no commercial value. But by then, it is too late for the blobfish. It cannot survive out of its depth and is already dead. Because so little is known about the blobfish, we do not know if it has any natural predators or threats.

Is the Blobfish Endangered? How Many Blobfish are Left in the World?

Some people claim that there are only 430 blobfish in the world. This is hearsay—fake news, and not based on any credible scientific evidence. The blobfish is not extinct or endangered. We do not know how many blobfish are left in the world or if they are endangered. The World Wildlife Fund nor the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), two of the most reputable animal conservation organizations, do not list the blobfish in any of their endangered categories.

Some conservationists believe that deep-sea trawling may affect the survival of the blobfish. These assertions, however, have not been validated with any credible scientific evidence. To date, very few blobfish have been trawled up in fishing nets. Furthermore, extensive areas of their habitat off the coast of Australia are not heavily trawled. So they may, in fact, not be seriously affected by human activities.

So, the blobfish may be rarely seen, but there is no evidence that it is extinct or endangered.

Blobfish Winner of the Ugliest Animal in the World Award Sad Story of Mr Blobby

Mr Blobby - Voted the ugliest Animal in the World

Photo: Blobfish - Ugliest Animal in the World

Mr. Blobby was a blobfish caught in 2003, approximately 1,300 kilometres off the coast of eastern Australia. Based on photographs of Mr. Blobby, the blobfish was voted the "World's Ugliest Animal." The contest wasn't really fair. Mr Blobby was out of water and dead. However, the Ugly Animal Preservation Society had good intentions when it voted the blobfish the ugliest animal in 2013. It is trying to raise awareness of endangered animals that don't grab the public's imagination because they are ugly.

Mr. Blobby measured 285 millimetres in length and weighed 1.7 kilograms. Although referred to as Mr. Blobby, it is unknown whether this fish was male or female, as it was never dissected.

Mr Blobby had his "fifteen minutes of fame". He was an overnight media sensation. Today, Mr Blobby sits alone in a bottle preserved in 70% ethyl alcohol on a shelf in the Australian Museum Ichthyology Collection (AMS I.42771-001). He no longer looks like the photos. His skin has tightened, his eyes sunken, and his distinctive nose has shrunk—poor Mr Blobby.

Can You Eat a Blobfish?

Yes, you can eat a blobfish. But because its body is gelatinous (like jello) and mainly made up of water, the blobfish tastes like a tasteless blob of jelly.

Excellent video about the blobfish

video about the blobfish
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25 Blobfish Facts

  1. The blobfish lives off the coast of Australia.
  2. It is a deep-sea fish that swims or floats at depths of 1,000 meters or more.
  3. The blobfish's body is designed to work under extreme pressure.
  4. Water around it acts as a container and compresses blobfish’s body into shape.
  5. For this reason, in the ocean, it looks like a giant tadpole. On land, it's a blob.
  6. The blobfish has no hard bones. Instead, its skeleton is made from soft, flexible cartilage.
  7. The blobfish has no teeth. So, a blobfish can't bite its food. It just swallows its food whole.
  8. The blobfish has hardly any muscle. Just enough to operate its gills, open its mouth and move its fins very slowly.
  9. The blobfish's low muscle mass and usage mean it uses very little energy.
  10. Only underwater deep-sea rovers can reach the underwater depth where the blobfish lives.
  11. Unlike most fish, the blobfish has no swim-bladder to keep it from sinking.
  12. Instead, its body is made of a gelatinous substance lighter than water.
  13. Because its body is lighter than water, it floats effortlessly at whatever depth it likes.
  14. It floats by adjusting the water content of the gelatinous mass in its body.
  15. By doing this, the blobfish makes itself lighter or heavier.
  16. It has no scales.
  17. It is not an active hunter. It waits for food to come it's way.
  18. The blobfish female lays thousands of tiny, pink eggs.
  19. Nobody knows if the blobfish is endangered because so little is known about them and their population numbers.
  20. The blobfish named Mr Blobby was voted the ugliest animal in the world.
  21. Yes, you can eat a blobfish. But it is quite tasteless.
  22. Another sea creature that has a gelatinous body is the jellyfish.
  23. The blobfish has a lifespan of up to 130 years.
  24. Three types of blobfish are found in the oceans around Australia.
  25. The blobfish is not dangerous.