Emu Sound What Does an Emu Sound Like?

Emu face

Photo: Emu face

Emus make different sounds depending on their age and sex. Emu adults make booming, drumming, and grunting noises by vibrating a 30cm tracheal pouch in its windpipe. The female can drum in two pitches. Her booming and drumming sounds are most prevalent during the mating season. It comprises two forms: a high-intensity booming, which is audible up to 2 kilometres away to attract mates, and a low reverberating call to its partner which can be heard from over 100 meters away. The male will make various grunting sounds, varying from short stuttering grunts to deep, gruff sounds. Males also whistle to their chicks. When threatened or confronted by unfamiliar objects, adults also give out a blood-curdling hiss. Young emus make whistling, chirping, and cheeping sounds until they are 10 to 14 months old. By this time, their sounds change to grunting noises.

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