Emu Sounds What Sound Does an Emu Make?

Emus make a variety of sounds depending on their age and sex.
Emu Booming Sounds - Female emus make booming and drumming sounds which are most prevalent during the mating season. Her high-intensity booming, which is audible up to 2 kilometres away is to attract mates. She also uses a low reverberating call to her partner which can be heard from over 100 meters away.
Emu Grunting Sounds - Both male and female emus grunt. But males do so more often, particularly during the breeding season. Their grunting sounds a like a pig's grunt or a deep, short bark.
Emu Hissing Sounds - When threatened or confronted by unfamiliar objects, emus give out a sharp blood-curdling snake-like hiss meant to intimidate.
Emu Whistling Sounds - Male emus also whistle to their chicks.
Young Emu Sounds - Young emus make whistling, chirping, and cheeping sounds until they are 10 to 14 months old.