Marsupials of Australia

Marsupial Kangaroo with baby in pouch

Photo: Marsupial (Kangaroo) with baby in pouch

Marsupial Characteristics What is a Marsupial?

Marsupials are mammals that give birth to undeveloped offspring, which continue their development outside the mother's body, often in a pouch. Marsupials, such as the Kangaroo and Koala, have pouches in the front of their bodies in which their babies grow, while others, such as the Antechinus and Tasmanian Devil, merely have a fold of skin to hold their litter in place. This unique pouch-like feature is what sets marsupials apart from other animals. However, some, like the American short-tailed opossum, have only nipples that their young attach to. Like all mammals, marsupials are covered with hair, give birth to live babies and feed their young from nipples usually inside their pouch.

There are 334 species of marsupials in the world. Of these, 234 live in Australia and New Guinea, and the rest live in the Americas. The largest marsupial is the red kangaroo, at 2.1 metres tall. The smallest is the long-tailed planigale, which is just 55-65 mm from head to tail and weighs less than a teaspoon of sugar (4.2 grams). North American marsupials are mostly opossums and aren't as large and varied as their Australian possum counterparts. In general, marsupials have a body temperature of 35°C. This is about 3°C lower than placental mammals. Marsupials have basal metabolic rates (BMRs) 30% lower than most placental mammals. They don't grow milk teeth. Instead, they produce only one set of teeth, some of which are replaced during their lifetime. They also have more teeth than placental mammals.

Most marsupials are nocturnal. That is, they are usually active at night. This behaviour is to avoid hot daytime temperatures and predators and to be out when there is less competition for food from other animals. The numbat and musky rat-kangaroo are the only exceptions; they forage during the day. Marsupials are solitary animals. They exhibit little permanent social organisation. Some, such as kangaroos and wallabies, graze in groups called "mobs". However, these are not considered proper social groups because there are no leaders that exercise cohesion among members of the mob. The one exception is the lesser gliders (Petaurus) that have loose social groupings.

While most marsupials can swim, there is only one marine marsupial in the world. This is the yapok of South America. There are no aquatic marsupials in Australia.

• See List of 30 Marsupials with Pictures Below!

Difference between Marsupials and other animals

diagram of marisupial vs placental vs monotrem
Read How Marsupials are Different

Marsupial Habitat & Distribution Where Do Marsupials Live?

Map of Marsupial distribution around the world

Marsupials live in Australia, New Guinea, southern USA, and Central and South America. They do not live in very cold climates. Most Australian marsupials live in dry desert and shrub habitats and generally avoid colder climates. Marsupials can live in habitats from trees to the forest floor to the open bush and shrub drylands. Some, such as the wombat and marsupial mole even burrow underground.

Marsupial Diet What Do Marsupials Eat?

marsupial koala eating eucalyptus leaf

Photo: Koala feeding

Marsupials eat a wide variety of foods. Some, such as kangaroos, koalas and wombats, are herbivores, eating only plant matter. Others, like bandicoots and possums, are omnivorous, eating plants and animals. The Tasmanian devil and the now-extinct Tasmanian tiger are carnivorous, eating only meat. Others are insectivores, consuming only insects.

Because marsupials' body temperature and metabolic rates are lower than comparable placental mammals, they require less energy. As a result, they need less food to survive. They also require less water than comparably sized placental mammals.

Marsupial Movement (Locomotion) How do Marsupials Move?

Red Kangaroo hopping

Photo Kangaroo - Bipedal Locomotion

Tasmanian Devil running

Photo: Tasmanian Devil - Quadrupedal Locomotion

Marsupials use bipedal (two legs) and quadrupedal (four legs) locomotion. Macropods, a group of marsupials that include kangaroos, wallabies, and bandicoots, use bipedal hopping as their mode of locomotion. Quadrupedal marsupials, such as the wombat and Tasmanian devil walk on four legs.

There are no aquatic marsupials or flying marsupials. However, the sugar glider can glide from tree to tree. There are no bipedal walking marsupials either. (Humans are bipedal walking placental mammals. They walk on two legs).

• How Does a Kangaroo Hop – How It Works

Marsupial Reproduction & Life Cycle Marsupial Babies

anatomy of marsupial female reproductive system

Photo: Marsupial Reproductive Anatomy

marsupial femal ovaries

Photo: Placental Reproductive Anatomy

The female marsupial has three vaginas and two uteruses (uteri). The two outermost vaginas are used for sperm transportation to its two uteruses. Babies are born through the middle vagina. By contrast, female placental mammals have only one uterus and one vagina. (See diagrams).

With this unique reproductive system, some female marsupials, such as the kangaroo, can be in a continuous state of pregnancy, with a fertilised egg in one uterus waiting to be released, a baby growing in the second uterus, one in her pouch and another hopping outside but coming to its mother for milk.

Most male marsupials have a bifurcated penis. That is, the penial shaft splits into two prongs at the end to enter the two separate lateral sexual vaginas of the female. However, macropods and the marsupial mole have a slender tapering single-shaft penis, which enters only one of the lateral sexual vaginas. A marsupial's penis is located behind its scrotum. (Most animals have the penis located in front). When flaccid, the penis is withdrawn into the body.

Marsupial Birth Video

Marsupial birth video
Watch Video

The young marsupial, ranging in size from no larger than a grain of rice to about the size of a jelly-bean, soon emerges from the birth canal. Using its tiny forelimbs, the young joey crawls laboriously to its mother's fur to the pouch. Once inside its mother's pouch, the joey quickly attaches itself firmly to a nipple in the pouch.

Once it has attached itself to a nipple, the young joey will stay hidden until its starts to tentatively pop its head out of its mother's pouch and observe the world around it. Once it has gained enough confidence, it will venture outside.

This reproductive cycle is unlike placental mammals, which nourish their offspring for much longer through a placenta in the womb before giving birth to more developed young.

• Detailed Explanation of How Marsupials Reproduce

List of Australian Marsupials


Marsupial koala climbing tree

Koalas are cuddly tree-dwelling marsupials with large noses. Because of their teddy bear-like appearance, many people call them Koala Bears.

Read More about Koalas


Marsupial kangaroo hopping in grass

Kangaroos can hop at speeds up to 70kph and jump 2m into the air. They form small social groups called 'mobs' or 'troops'.

Read More about Kangaroos

Red Kangaroo

Marsupial kangaroo hopping in grass

Red kangaroos are the largest marsupials and the largest hopping animal in the world. It can hop at over 60kph and leap 3 meters high.

Read More about Red Kangaroos



The woylie is a nocturnal marsupial with a long tail which it wraps around a bundle of nesting material and transports it home.

Read More about Woylies

Ringtail Possum

Ring-tail Possum

The Ringtail possum is a small arboreal, nocturnal marsupial that holds its tail in a tight coil. It has two thumbs on each front paws.

Read More about Ring Tail Possums

Gilbert's potoroo

Marsupial Gilbert's Potoroo

Gilbert's potoroo is the world's rarest marsupial. It has long front limbs with craved claws with which its digs for underground fungi (truffles).

Read More about Gilbert's Potoroos

Bushtail Possum

Marsupial Bushtail Possum

The brushtail possum is a semi-arboreal nocturnal marsupial. It has a bushy prehensile tail, which it uses to grasp onto branches.

Read More about Brushtails

Stick Nest Rat

Stick Nest Rat now extinct

The white-tipped-stick-nest-rat builds its nest of sticks, which it added to over the years, making a massive nesting mound.

Read More about Stick Nest Rats


Marsupial Diprotodon

The diprotodon was the largest marsupial ever to exist. It was 3m long, 2m tall, weighed 2,780 kg and looked like a giant wombat. It became extinct shortly after humans arrived in Australia.

25 Marsupial Facts

  1. Marsupial animals carry their babies in a pouch outside their bodies.
  2. They give birth to tiny underdeveloped babies and carry and nurse them in this pouch.
  3. There are only 330 species of marsupial.
  4. 75% of all marsupials in the world live in Australia. The rest live in the Americas.
  5. The word Marsupial (mar-sue-pee-al) comes from the Latin word “marsupium” which means pouch.
  6. Not all marsupials have pouches. A few have just a fold of skin.
  7. The smallest marsupial, the long-tailed planigale, weighing 4gm, as much as a teaspoon of sugar.
  8. The largest marsupial, the red kangaroo, is 2m tall and weighs 90kgs.
  9. Marsupials originated on a super-continent called Gondwana, which was made up of Australia, Antarctica and South America.
  10. This continent broke up millions of years ago, and Australia got isolated, and marsupials survived. They went mostly extinct elsewhere.
  11. There are no aquatic marsupials in Australia (There is one in South America).
  12. This is because a marsupial's pouch would get flooded, and the babies would drown.
  13. There are no flying marsupials.
  14. They have a body temperature about 3°C lower than placental mammals.
  15. Marsupials' basal metabolic rate is 30% lower than placental mammals.
  16. Because of their lower body temperature and metabolism, they are not found in very cold climates.
  17. Almost all marsupials are nocturnal.
  18. Marsupials, in general, have more teeth than placental mammals.
  19. They don't grow milk teeth.
  20. Female marsupials have three vaginas and two uteruses.
  21. Most male marsupials have a two-pronged penis.
  22. The gestation period for a marsupial is very short compared to placental mammals.
  23. A young marsupial, when its born, ranges in size from a grain of rice to the size of a jelly-bean.
  24. They crawl from the mother's birth canal into her pouch.
  25. Once it has attached itself to its mother's nipple, the baby will stay hidden for up to six months.

How Marsupials Got to Australia Marsupial Migration to Australia

Map of how continents were formed

It was once thought that marsupials originated in Australia. But recent fossil evidence and genetic research suggest that they may have originated in what is now modern-day China on the ancient landmass known as Pangaea (See map). About 200-180 million years ago, Pangaea broke into two continents. These were Laurasia with North America, Europe, China, and parts of Asia and Gondwana with South America, Africa, Antarctica, Australia, and India. Marsupials are believed to have arrived in Australia around 50 million years ago via North America, South America, and Antarctica.

When Australia separated from the other continents and started to drift southward, the marsupials stranded in Australia didn't have any competition from placental mammals. Without competition, the marsupials diverged into over 235 different species found in Australia today. Some descendants of those original marsupials even almost hopped back towards China, reaching as far as Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.

Unfortunately, the original marsupials in other parts of the world couldn't compete with placental mammals and became extinct, except for a few marsupials that still survive in North and South America.

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