Migara of SigiriyaThe Man Responsible for the Downfall of Two Kings


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Immerse yourself in the fascinating history of Sigiriya in this beautifully illustrated book. In Part 1 travel back in time and meet the key players who shaped the rock fortress's history. Part 2 contains a comprehensive Site Guide with hundreds of photographs and descriptions of the ruins.

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Migara is a Machiavellian character in Sri Lankan history. He was the chief of the army during the reigns of three monarchs, namely, Dhatusena, and his sons Kashyapa and Moggallana; kings of the Moriyan Dynasty of the Anuradhapura Kingdom who ruled between 463 and 515 AD. Migara was pivotal in the dynastic upheavals that unfolded at this time.

Migara was Dhatusena's nephew and also his son-in-law. (Migara's mother was Dhatusena's sister and he was married to Dhatusena's daughter). Thus, he was the cousin of Kashyapa and Moggallana and also their brother-in-law.

He was initially appointed to the position of senapati (Army Chief) by Dhatusena because of his familial ties and to make him a suitable partner for his favorite daughter.

Migara it appears was unkind to his wife (Dhatusena’s favorite daughter) and beat her around the thighs with a whip. She fled to her father, the king, who on seeing his daughters garments soaked in blood was outraged. Unable to find Migara to bring him to account, Dhatusena vented is anger Migara's mother (his sister) by have her burned alive.

Infuriated by Dhatusena's act of cruel vengeance Migara conspired with Kashyapa, Dhatusena’s oldest son (but not heir apparent because of his lowly birth) and overthrow the king. Not satisfied with merely overthrowing the king, Migara irked Kashyapa on until Kashyapa finally ordered the death of his father. Migara extracted his revenge parading the old king through the streets and then finally entombing him alive into a niche in his prison cell wall.


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Palace intrigue, passion, deceit, betrayal and tragedy. Set fifteen hundred years ago, this compelling novel weaves historical facts into a remarkably entertaining story of fate, dangerous alliances, enduring friendships, and forbidden love. Available in Ebook and Paperback.

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Migara then continued to serve as the chief of the army under Kashyapa and possibly moved with Kashyapa to his new city Sigiriya.

Upset over Kashyapa's refusal to grant him permission to carry out a lavish consecration ceremony for a shrine he had constructed, Migara secretly switched his allegiance to Kashyapa's younger brother Moggallana, the rightful heir.

In an ensuring confrontation between Kashyapa and Moggallana, Migara defected to Moggallana taking the army with him. Thus abandoned Kashyapa committed suicide and Moggallana ascended the throne.

Moggallana in gratitude for Migara's help allowed him to carry out the concentration ceremony which had previously been refused by Kashyapa.

There is no further reference to Migara after this time. But we are told of another army chief during Moggallana rule. It is reasonable to assume therefore that Migara died some time during the rein of Moggallana (497–515 AD).