Dingo Sounds What Sound Does A Dingo Make?

Dingo Howling

Dingoes communicate using howls, growls, chortles, yelps, whines, chatters, snorts, purrs and an occasional bark. Dingo howling occurs more frequently during times of stress or when the animals are dispersed as a means of advertising their location.

In addition, dingo packs often howl in a chorus to warn other dingo packs nearby. Their howls may also increase during their mating season. Dingoes growl as a means of asserting dominance or when threatened. Dingoes rarely bark. Their bark, used primarily as a warning, is brief and monosyllabic. A mother may use this sound to call her cubs back to the den if she suspects danger is near. A dingo’s howls consist of moans, bark-howls and snuffs.

• Learn About the Dingo — Australia's Wild Dog