Australia - Facts Figures Australian Statistics


7,682,292 sq kms (2,966,133 sq miles)
3200 kms north to south 4000 kms east to west.
World's sixth largest country.
World's smallest continent
A bit smaller than the USA , 31 times larger than the UK, 22 times larger than Germany.


24,338,000 people(roughly 0.3% of the world's population).
Nearly 23% of the population was born overseas.
Nearly90% of the population live in cities along the coast.
Life Expectancy: 75 for men 81 for women.

Language: English

    94% European

    4.5% Asian
    1.5% Aboriginal

    Australia is a country mostly of immigrates. They came from all over the world

      Great Britain
      New Zealand (yeap)|

      The Middle East
      The Philippines
      Sri Lanka
      and over 150 other countries



Federal parliamentary democracy

British model
3 year term of office
Voting is compulsory
Voting age is 18

Bi-cameral legislature (two houses of parliament)
House of Representatives

Head of State - The Governor General
The representative of the Monarch - Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom.

Head of Government - The Prime Minister
Who is the leader of the political party with the majority in the House of Representatives.

Taxation, Defence, Foreign Affairs, Social Security, Transportation, Immigration


Australian flag.

Union Jack (the British flag) - represents the past link with England.
even Pointed Star - represents the six states and the territories.
The Southern Cross - the small stars represent the southern cross a group of stars that can be see in the Australian night sky.


The climate in Australia is the opposite of that in the Northern Hemisphere (Europe, the US etc). Summer in Australia starts in December and Winter in June.

Over 90% of Australia is dry, flat and arid. The north has tropical weather and the southeast parts are temperate.

Major Cities:

Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Canberra , Darwin, Hobart


Decimal Currency (Dollars and Cents)
Australian notes are made of a special plastic. They are each of a different colour and size. They also have a special "see-thru" window to make then hard to counterfeit. The colours below are the approximate colours of the currency:

    Notes $5, $10, $20, $50, $100

    Coins:$1, $2 (1c and 2c coins are no longer used)


    Capitalist(based on minerals and agriculture)
    Trading Position: 12th
    Major Exports: meat (largest exporter), wool (30% of worlds' supply), wheat (9th largest exporter), machinery, alumina (largest producer) , coal, gold, iron, industrial diamonds (largest producer)
    Major Imports: computers and office equipment, aircraft, transport equipment, crude oil and petroleum products.
    Major Trading Partners: China, Japan, USA, Korea, ASEAN, European Union, New Zealand .


    Job Type:

      80% service sector
      14% manufacturing
      5% rural

    Average Yearly Earning:A$27,675
    Females in Workforce: 42%


Ownership (per household):

Refrigerator - 99.7%
Washing Machine - 90%
Telephone - 95%
Freezer - 47%
Dishwasher - 20%


One - 85%
Two - 32%
Three - 12%